We pride ourselves on delivering the best possible treatment for all our patients
Case studies
Below you can see some further examples of our clinical work in the form of case studies with before-and-after photos. Please contact us to discuss treatment in your particular case.
Replacement of a single missing tooth at the front of the mouth with simultaneous bone grafting procedure
Implant placement to replace single missing teeth. In this instance, the teeth that were missing are the patients upper right first premolar (UR4) and lateral incisor (UR2) teeth.
Case completed by Dr Elliott Ballantyne
Replacement of a Single missing tooth at the front of the mouth involving a staged block bone grafting procedure
Implant placement to replace missing upper right central incisor tooth (UR1) due to trauma. This patient had a two staged procedure. The first stage involved a block bone graft to regenerate the missing bone ensuring that there was an adequate foundation for the implant to be placed. The second stage involved the placement of the dental implant 9 months after the initial bone grafting procedure had been completed.
Case completed by Dr Elliott Ballantyne
Replacement of multiple missing teeth involving a two staged sinus lift procedure
This patient was missing her upper right molar teeth. As the patient had insufficient bone available for implant placement initially, she required a small sinus operation to regenerate the bone to provide her with an adequate foundation for implant placement. This procedure is known as a Lateral Window Sinus Lift.
Case completed by Dr Elliott Ballantyne
Single missing tooth at the front of the mouth
Implant placement to replace the upper left central incisor (UL1) that had been previously root canal treated but developed a persistant infection and unfortunately could not be saved.
Case completed by Dr Elliott Ballantyne
Replacement of an infected upper right middle incisor tooth
In this case, the upper right incisor (UR1) was infected and needed to be removed. Tooth removal and implant replacement was done carefully to protect the adjacent existing implant and avoid any recession occurring. A natural and aesthetic result was achieved
Case completed by Dr Pratik Patel
Replacement of a missing incisor
This young patient was missing her upper left side incisor (UL2) from birth. After a course of orthodontic treatment to align the teeth, careful implant placement was completed to achieve this aesthetic result in a patient with a high smile line.
Case completed by Dr Pratik Patel
Multiple failing teeth replaced with a new bridge
This patient had multiple existing implants but also had several natural teeth with crowns breaking, getting decay and coming to the end of their life. A comprehensive plan was made to carefully remove those teeth which cannot be saved and to make a single large implant retained bridge to offer a more predictable and stable long term result.
Case completed by Dr Pratik Patel
Smile improvement with replacement crowns and 2 dental implants
In this case, the patient was missing the upper left incisor (UL2) and premolar (UL4). The adjacent teeth were stained and showing old crown margins. In this case, the patient simply received a new matching crown on the upper left middle incisor (UL1) and an implant at UL2 and UL4 to replace the missing teeth producing a nice even smile again for the patient who was delighted with the result.
Case completed by Dr Pratik Patel